I know this blog is supposed to be about happy kids and fun times but it's hard to blog cutesy things when so much violence and hate is raging around me. The recent shootings in Baton Rouge and Falcon Heights really have me down. I'm down because both murders were unnecessary, because the value of black lives (and the lives of other minorities) mean so little, because our government refuses to work together to pass stronger gun control laws. I'm down because I am raising my child in a world where preschoolers have to practice gun drills and the thought is so horrifying that I've joked with my friends about starting a commune to shelter our kids from all of this hate.

Last night as I was putting Parker down for bed I told him, "Remember to always love people. Love them despite of skin color. Love them even if they are different from you." The world is a scary place and it's easy to feel helpless when so many acts of violence are happening around us. The one thing I can do is try to love others and to teach Parker to do the same. Maybe if we can raise enough good humans we can change the world for our kids.
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