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Monday, December 16, 2013

DIY Clay Gift Charms

These clay gift charms were a result of a failed handprint ornament project. I had originally planned to make salt dough hand print ornaments with Parker. The day we were suppose to do the project, I thought "Clay is more durable than salt dough. I should use that instead." So I went to Michael's and excitedly bought a package of white clay. Turns out that clay is too hard to make good hand prints on. We had to practically smash Parker's hand into the clay to get a light imprint and he wasn't having that. UGH. Pinterest fail.
Instead of tossing out the extra clay, I decided to make clay gift tags instead. This is a really easy project and it makes your gifts look extra special. The whole thing literally took 30 minutes.
Clay Gift Charms
Materials Needed
-Rolling pin
-Circle cookie cutter (you can use any shape really)
-Knead the clay in your hands to soften it up.
-Roll out the clay.
-Use the cookie cutter to cut out shapes.
-Stamp each shape.
-Use skewer to poke a hole at the top of each tag. You will need that to loop your ribbon through.
-Bake in oven according to directions on the clay packaging. Bake time will vary depending on how thick your charms are. I baked mine for 20 minutes at 275 degrees.
[Tools you need to make your clay tags]

[Rolled and cut circles]

[Stamped circles]
Sorry for the inconsistency with the photos. The photos above were taken with my phone. The photos below were taken with a real camera.

[A special gift for my nephew Nolan. I love how the white tag pops on the kraft paper. I used the star stamp on my kraft paper to tie everything together.]

[I have a billion gold letters leftover from the advent calendar project so I decided to use those on my gifts this year]

[Parker "helped" me put gifts under the tree. Mostly he just knocked everything over and use the boxes to scoot around the living room.]

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