
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Parker's First Swim Class

After much preparation and worry, we have survived Parker's first swim class! The class was held at the private residence of Miss K who generously volunteers her time to teaching kids how to swim. Parker clung to me so tightly I had to pry him off my body but he was able to "swim" once I let him go. It's incredible that he instinctively knew to reach for the edge and for my hands under the water. As Kim promised, there were plenty of tears. We were a little late so his cute swim trunks didn't make it on. The more I think about it, the more I want to just get these. So much more comfy. Hopefully the next lesson will go over a little easier.

Things I need to do
1. Buy another swim diaper just in case he has an accident
2. Get control of my hair

Side note, at dinner Parker saw some flowers and said "BONG" (flower in Vietnamese). This kid will never stop surprising me with how much he knows.

[Reeeaacch. At one point he was crying so loud both the dogs came over to check on him.]

[The anxiety on his face is classic]

[At the end of the lesson Kim had him swim to the top step. He was able to reach for it and push his body out of the water.]

[A proud mama and teacher!]

[Crying because he was cold once we took him out of the water. Pineapple hooded towel from CottonOn Kids.]

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