
Monday, August 5, 2013

Rejoining the Work Force with Excitement and a Heavy Heart

Last Friday I received a job offer that I knew I could not turn down. It is the opportunity that I have been searching for since I left UCSD. It's my chance to go corporate, climb the ladder and determine my value in the marketplace without the cushion of academia. Even though I am excited for this fresh start, I am so sad over the fact that I cannot spend all day, everyday with Parker. I was so stressed about leaving Parker that I couldn't sleep for 2 days. My plan had been to stay home until the end of the year but life doesn't always go as planned. I know this is a hurdle that a lot of moms have faced and overcome but that doesn't make it any easier. There is so much I need to do before I have to snap out of SAHM mode. On my list of things: complete all prep for Tuan's 30th birthday, get a haircut so I can look human again, prep Parker for the sitter, go through my closet to determine if any of my work clothes still fit and prep myself for pumping at work again (UGH!!!).

In the meantime, I have one more week at home before I start working so I am going to make sure it's the best week ever for Mr. P.

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