
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Noah & Nolan's Birthday Pool Party

After all my shopping and prep for Parker's first pool party, I'm happy to announce that he was in the pool for a total of FIFTEEN minutes. Ha! Who knew that the sky would be cloudy and overcast in the middle of July. We still had a great time cruising around the pool in the batmobile and hanging out with my side of the family. Here are some photos of our fun day. Happy birthday to my nephews Noah and Nolan!

[Me and P cruising around the pool]

[My sister Tania and my niece Noelle]

[Adding this to my collection of Brandon and Tania photos]

[Nolan squeezed his big butt into the bat mobile!]

[Splashing around in the water with P]

[My sister Karen "relaxing" on my nephew Andrew's floaty]

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